Weather caused power failure in central and eastern Slovakia
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 4th February 2013
A private investor would like to build a new biomass plant. The construction owill be cost about 20 million euro. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The fee for the operation of nuclear power plants will increase. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The use of solar energy in Slovakia expects falling out, thinks The Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry (SAPI) thereafter Parliament approved an amendment of the support of renewable energy. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Tuesday – 5th February 2013
The company Slovenské elektrárne completed installation of four steam turbine in the nuclear power plant Mochovce. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Hungarian company MVM Partner Energiakereskedelmi a Danish company Danske Commodities wants to supply the electricity in Slovakia. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Wednesday – 6th February 2013
The company Stredoslovenská energetika removed more than 10,000 power failure of almost 11,000. The wet snow caused it mainly in the Orava region. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Thursday – 7th February 2013
Východoslovenská distribučná noticed an increase in the number of incidents on lines of high and low voltage. Spišská Nová Ves, Prešov, Bardejov, Košice and Rožňava are particularly affected. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
New shareholder in the company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel analyzes the planned projects. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
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