The Regulatory Office for Network Industries will check on solar power plants
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 2nd April 2012
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic did not have to direct power reduction, shutdown of reactors or shutdown of nuclear power plants in Slovakia. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Tuesday – 3rd April 2012
Tepelné hospodárstvo Moldava belonging to the French energy group COFELY put the biomass boiler into operation. A new source should bring better prices for heat to final consumers. it will use sp the wood chips and they a are in fact cheaper than the natural gas. (more information – automatic translateion via Google Translate)
The Regulatory Office of Network Industries has again information about fraud during the construction and installation of solar power plants in Slovakia. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Eustream and its Polish partner the company Gaz-Systems SA have selected the supplier for the formulation of feasibility study. The winner of the tender is the company Gazoprojekt S.A. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Wednesday – 4th April 2012
The prices od electricity in Slovakia and Czech Republic are affected by the price of electricity on the German EEX (European Energy Exchange). „If the price rise in Germany due to rising costs of energy companies which transit to renewable energy or decommission the nuclear power plant, the final consumer in Slovakia will feel it. This part of energy is roughly a third of total consumer electricity prices,“ said analyst Virtuse Energy Prague Milan Hudak. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The company Tepláreň Košice saved in the purchase of coal through electronic auction 187.000 euro. 10.000 tons of coal is for a new renovated steam boiler. (more information– automatic translation via Google Translate)
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