The company Energetické centrum ignores the law, it could be fined up to 10 mil. eur
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 4th March 2013
The private investor plans to build a small hydroelectric power plant in Švošov. The investmet will be 10 million euro. (more information – autoamtic translation via Google Translate)
Tuesday – 5th March 2013
The State may get 450 mil. euro, a precondition for that income over the next three years, is an agency that will manage the emergency stocks of oil and petroleum products. (more information – autoamtic translation via Google Translate)
Thursday – 7th March 2013
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries carry out an alternative energy supplier, the company Energetické Centrum. The supplier violated the law, the company can be fined up to 10 million euros. (more information – autoamtic translation via Google Translate)
Eustream wants to build a pipeline to Belarus. (more information – autoamtic translation via Google Translate)
Friday will start at Slovak filling stations lower oil prices. (more information – autoamtic translation via Google Translate)
Friday – 8th March 2013
SPP – Distribúcia keeps away from the fake gas-men. (more information – autoamtic translation via Google Translate)
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