Slovak customers will pay more for petrol and diesel oil in 2011
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 27th December 2010
In 2011 price of diesel and petrol will rise visibly in Slovakia. Drivers will have to pay in average 200 to 250 more annually. The main reason is the new tax rate and also current subsidies in the excise tax for red diesel will be cancelled as well as those for CNG and LPG or fuels with a bio-additive.
European Union and World
Monday – 27th December 2010
During Christmas holidays the second reactor in the nuclear power plant Temelín was put out of order for a few days. During the pause the operators carried out a test on the parameters of the fuel in the active zone of the nuclear reactor, which according to representatives of ČEZ was successful. The test was the last one of the series before the planned change to fuel from Russian producer TVEL. TVEL has won the international tender for supplies in 2006.
In 2011 price of electricity and natural gas will rise in Czech Republic. As the Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ) has stated, electricity for households will increase by 4, 6% and by 5, 2 % for companies. The main reason in Czech Republic is the rapid growth of the photovoltaic industry back in 2010. In the segment of natural gas the change of the end price will depend on the specific supplier. RWE
More than million Hungarian citizens currently owe money for heat supplies, natural gas or electricity. It is approximately 11 % of all the registered consumers, which is twice as much as six years ago. The most damaged are the suppliers of long-distance heating.
Belarus requires from Gazprom cheaper supplies of natural gas. During Christmas Eve Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin talked on this issue with the Belarus Chairman of the Government Sergej Sidorskij. Moscow does not plan to change the agreement on supplies in 2011. European countries are therefore worried about a possible Russian-Belarus conflict which could result in disruption of supplies. Gazprom transports via Belarus around 20 % of supplies of natural gas to Europe.
Tuesday – 28th December 2010
Brussels is warning parent about the use of energy saving light bulbs. Those according to members of the European Parliament represent a serious health risk. In case that the tubes break in a child’s bed room, it is more likely that the children can have health problems related to the escape of poisonous mercury. Now they are demanding from the European Commission to decide whether the energy saving light bulbs should be withdrawn from the market and also cancel their decision on forbidding production and sales of classic light bulbs.
Construction of five water power plants in Peru can have a negative impact on the environment according to an analysis of the ecological organization ProNaturaleza. The water damns with a total installed capacity of 7.200 MW could according to them destroy 15.000 km2 of rainforests in the upcoming 20 years. The ecologists are criticizing the home government, which from their point of view ignored these threats, because it did not conduct any studies on the possible impacts for the ecosystem.
Wednesday – 29th December 2010
In 2009 the biggest number of consumers that have decided to change their supplier of electricity came from Ireland. More than 21 % of Irish consumers have changed their supplier. The results were published by the Finish think-tank VaasaETT. Ireland thus surpassed the traditional leader, Great Britain. The reason behind a growing competition on the Irish market is the two new suppliers and their effective marketing campaign.
German households will have to pay up to 7 – 8 % more for electricity in 2011. Approximately 500 from 900 energy companies in Germany will increase their electricity prices starting off on January 1st 2011. Among those are also RWE, Vattenfall Europe or EnBW. Prices are increasing due to the state subsidies for renewable energy sources, which will be projected in increasing the so called ecological tax by 70 % in 2011.
Kurdistan requires from the central government in Iraq to recognize validity of its oil contracts. If the government refuses to do so, the self-governing area threatens that it will not renew production on its territory. Kurds have signed more than 20 agreements with foreign companies on sharing production. Baghdad is questioning their legitimacy. According to the Iraqi government, oil is property of the whole state and the Kurds do not have the right to export it individually. The Kurdish stance can now jolt plans of Baghdad to increase its oil production in 2011.
Thursday – 30th December 2010
The first stage of the natural gas pipeline Gazela will be constructed by Strojtransgaz. The Russian company has won the tender which has had four participants. The competition about the construction works on the pipeline is divided into three parts. The northern also include a new border selling station in the region of Brandov. Each of the two remaining stages, the middle and western one represent a contract worth more than one billion Czech crowns. The pipeline Gazela will connect Czech Republic to the pipeline Nord Stream.
Friday – 31st December 2010
The carbon-hydrate research has slowed down in Norway in 2010. Domestic companies have initiated 45 natural gas and oil underwater drillings during the whole year. The biggest interest was again in the Northern Sea where 32 drills were conducted. The next one is the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea. Just to compare, in the record year 2009, 65 drills were conducted.
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