Radičová: Slovakia count on nuclear energy in the future
I.Radičová: Nuclear power has
and will have a place in the
Slovak energy mix
Nuclear energy plays a very important role in the energy mix of Slovak Republic, stated Prime Minister Iveta Radičová. She also added that as far as renewable energy sources are considered, the government will mainly support biomass.
Nuclear energy, according to Slovak Prime Minister Iveta Radičová, does belong and will belong in the energy mix of Slovak Republic: „An inseparable part of energy diversification, energy mix for Slovakia is and also will remain nuclear energy,” said today PM at the 4th energy conference „Common energy policy of the EU and energy security of Slovakia,” that was organized by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA).
Prime Minister: We support the new blocks in Mochovce and Jaslovské Bohunice
Radičová has emphasized that her government is offering support for finishing and putting into operation the two new reactors in Mochovce. „We are carrying out regular consultation with Austria. We are informing them about all our progress and ways of guaranteeing security at every stage of the construction works,” she specified.
„We will also continue in activities of the joint company of the state corporation JAVYS with the Czech corporation ČEZ,” he informed. Construction of a prospective new nuclear reactor in Jaslovské Bohunice is according to her already defined clearly in the Program declaration of her government. Due to the fact that the „state budget does not have resources for this at the moment”, the will go ahead if they „find a reliable and very correct investor”. The „government does not have in plan to” finance this project from the state budget during the upcoming four years, she concluded.
Among RES biomass will be supported the most
Iveta Radičová reminded that the Slovak government is aware of the commitment to have a 14 % share of renewable energy sources RES) in the whole energy consumption in Slovak Republic. „Fulfillment of this commitment has to arise from realistic natural conditions of Slovakia, it energy system, energy producing sources and economical sustainable costs for consumers,” she said.
The main support for RES, according to the Prime Minister, will focus on utilizing agricultural and forest biomass in such a way that the realized projects will be competitive and without long-term subsidies. „Energy sources built according to these conditions should be effective when using green fuel, meaning they should produce heat, electricity, protect the environment and create long-term job opportunities in the regions,” she added.
Key partners are V4 countries
„For us the key partners in the field of energy are countries of the V4. Besides V4, also our close neighbors belong in this group such as Austria, Ukraine, but also Romania and Croatia,” she stated.
„The goal is common – to guarantee that our joint projects are politically as well as financially supported at the EU level,” specified Radičová. Their realization is not just an instrument of energy security, but also a part of further liberalization of the energy markets and their connection with other markets within the EU or also with global markets.
„Close cooperation between the V4 on an energy dialogue with Russia and Ukraine and other current or potential energy supplies is our next priority,” she added.
M. Chren: More biomass, less
Slovak government will prefer those RES, which can supply energy at costs close to market prices of energies gained from conventional sources. It was stated today by Martin Chren, State Secretary of Slovak Ministry of Economy and Construction.
When the Slovak government will conduct the projection of using renewable sources of energy, it will especially prefer those, which are noted for their lowest expenses under an integrated approach with an aim of lowering the rate of CO2 production. It was stated today at the energy conference organized by SPFA by State Secretary of Ministry of Economy and Construction Martin Chren.
More biomass, less photo-voltaic
„Priority in RES will be technologies, whose using leads to energy prices that are close to market prices and also with a view to a bearing end price. This is why we will try to prefer so called predictable RES, for instance we will prefer biomass to solar energy, which, as we know, has caused a lot of problems in surrounding countries.“ specified Chren.
New energy policy: The consumer should be in the centre
Slovakia had and has its specifics in its energy policy, which must be taken into account when making national energy strategies. That is why according to Chren, the Slovak government will prepare an updated energy policy, which „will follow interests mainly of buyers and final consumers in a way that will allow them to make maximum use of all advantages of a liberalized energy market“. The update of energy policy will also reflect new challenges in field of liberalization the market and climate changes.
Implementing the 3rd energy package of the EU will, according to Chren, be one of the most important assignments of the Ministry of Economy in upcoming months. He has also reminded, that Slovakia had obliged itself to reach a 14% share RES in overall energy consumption.
P. Šramko: In 2011 we will
introduce the internal-daily
„market coupling” with Czech
Launching trading with Czech Republic on the short-term market with electricity has brought a number of positives, stated Pavel Šramko from OKTE. He added that next year also the internal-daily markets with electricity of both countries will connect.
By creating a connection between the electricity spot markets between Czech Republic and Slovakia, the method of implicit allocation was started to be used when trading on the market. „It means that the price for cross-boarder change is also included in the electricity price. If the explicit allocation method is used, the trader with electricity has to obtain capacity at the auction,” explained Pavel Šramko, director of the Organizer of short-term electricity market (OKTE), which will carry out its duties starting of January 1st 2011.
What did the Czech-Slovak „market coupling” change?
As a result of the common market with electricity, we can register a multiple growth of trade between the two countries. Integration of the common markets from 2009 has brought a number of positives according to Šramko:
Maximal use of existing cross-boarder capacities
Lowering the risk for those who trade with electricity
Transparency in price setting
An asset for managing energy networks
Internal-daily market with Czech Republic in 2011
The spot market with electricity between the two countries will face changes. „In mid-2011 we are planning to come up with a project of internal-daily coupling of the market. That means that not from today until tomorrow, but within this current day it will be able to balance between Czech Republic and Slovakia,” concluded Šramko.
Randuška: Supporting RES must
not deform the market
Supporting RES should not benefit one energy source at the expense of another, said Dušan Randuška (SPP) during his speech at the conference „Common energy policy of EU and energy security of Slovakia”.
The Slovak goal to reach a 14 % share of renewable energy sources in the end energy consumption until 2020 is a realistic commitment. „Slovakia has set for itself a realist goal if we take into consideration the key parameters that are currently on the market. Already toady we are witnessing optimism that we can reach this goal or even go over it slightly,” said Dušan Randuška, director of the natural gas trading division of SPP at the energy conference that was organized yesterday in Bratislava.
However, the system of state subsidies for renewable energy sources can not according to him deform the market environment. „It is important to sustain the balance. It is not good if one energy source lets say biomass, will receive a disproportionate support on the market. And we have reasons to believe in this in Slovakia in some of the cases. This creates unfair conditions on the market for other energy sources, for example natural gas and others,” he explained.
The level of energy intensity in SR is 3-times higher than in EU
Countries of the EU are on a good way in reaching their goals of energy efficiency. For the sixth year in a row the energy intensity of member states is falling, which with an exception with 2009 is also accompanied with a rise of GDP. Besides this the problem of a lack of consistent data is still prevailing. As a result this sphere remains less transparent, said Randuška. A lot of countries also did not set binding goals, he added.
Energy intensity of Slovakia is higher than the European average. And this is despite the fact that in „years 2000 – 2008 it fell by 44 %, “ Randuška informed.
Energy consumption of households is also on a fallback. „In 2008 we consumed 39 % more on m2 than the EU average. But if we compare the amount of end energy consumed by one inhabitant, we are doing by 1/3 better than the EU-27 average,” added Randuška.
Natural gas will improve its position
Importance of natural gas in the whole European context will increase. However, the SPP expert warned that fields of the conventional producers in EU are gradually being pumped out. If we count with a growth of consumption until 2020, we will have to import approximately 380 billion cubic meters each year. Therefore traditional suppliers such as Russia, Algeria and Norway will likely „fight” over energy supplies.
„Natural gas is a fossil fuel with the lowest CO2 exhalations. During the production of one unit of heat from coal 100 % more emissions are emitted than with natural gas. We are talking about the most effective fuel. Effectiveness of electricity production from natural gas is higher and it is reaching approximately 48 to 58 %,” concluded Randuška.
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