Nuclear reactors in Slovakia fulfil the tight security
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 21st November 2011
Slovak Prime Minister Iveta Radičová is no longer convinced of the suitability of nuclear energy. Experts should take an attitute to the future of nuclear energy in Slovakia, she said at the conference „Common EU Energy Policy and Energy Security of Slovakia“ (Spoločná energetická politika EÚ a energetická bezpečnosť Slovenska). (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Wednesday – 23td November 2011
Regulatory Office for Network Industries wants to support buying up the electricity that is generated via burning straw. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
The year 2011 has become very important to worldwide nuclear energy after an accident in Fukushima but Slovak nuclear power plants fulfil tight security, said Juraj Rovný from the Nuclear Regulatory Authority at the conference Common EU Energy Policy and Energy Security of Slovakia“ (Spoločná energetická politika EÚ a energetická bezpečnosť Slovenska) in Bratislava. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Thursday – 24th November 2011
Emission permissions can increase the price of plane tickets about 20% from January 2012. Although the currently emissions from aviation is only 3% of the total amount, it will disproportionately increase without regulation, said Jan Tuma of The Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic at the conference European Carbon Forum 2011 in Bratislava – Rusovce. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Thirteen new power plant will add up in Slovakia. The total electrical output of these power plants, which have already received approval from the Ministry of Economy of The Slovak Republic , should be 188 MW. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Emissions could influence the final prices. Nationwide emission tax is not good for domestic companies. It threatens their competitiveness. These words have been said at the conference European Carbon Forum 2011. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
The amendment to the Rules of the electricity market had been published in the Code said Ladislav Gunčaga of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries at the conference SPX. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Media interpreted the composition of the end price of electricity incorrectly, said Jaroslav Hrušč. High buying up electricity price from renewable energy sources has started the interest of investors in this field. They naturally responded to this situation and built large volumes of solar power plant at green fields. It inevitably demonstrated on the price increase tariffs TPS, which is part of the final electricity price. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
Friday – 25th November 2011
The development of photovoltaic was in expansion of small installations, said Ľudovít Jurčík the member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and vice chairman of the Committee on Economy, Construction and Transport (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
European Commission puts up the further support for the European Union in amount over 500 million EUR. It will support the decommissioni of nuclear power plants in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate).
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