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15. marca 2013 Ostatné od Energia.skSITA

Mochovce might be built in 2014 and 2015

Week in Slovakia

Monday – 11th March 2013

Private investor plans to build in Lučenec biomethane station. The expected investment will be 12,5 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Wednesday – 13th March 2013

The comapyn Vaša energie has lost the ability to supply energies. Consumers of gas and electricity will supply energy from the supplier of last resort, the company SSE and VSE and in gas from company SPP.(more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Minister of Economy Tomáš Malatinský informally met with the ministers of nuclear energy in London yesterday. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

The company Slovenské elektrárne made ​​an operating profit (EBITDA) 834 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Completion of nuclear power plant Mochovce will cost 3.8 billion euro, it should be built in 2014 and 2015. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Thursday – 14th March 2013

The member of Parliament Alojz Hlina wants to do a workshop about energy in Parliament. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

K téme

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