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1. apríla 2011 Ostatné od Energia.skSITA

Level of radiation in Slovakia is at its average

Monday – 21st March 2011

Alternative suppliers of natural gas that mainly count on buying the commodity on European markets could loose their advantage on the Slovak market. The spot prices for natural gas went up due to the situation in Arabic countries and the catastrophe in Japan. And it was the cheaper gas bought on markets that gave the alternative suppliers the possibility to offer Slovak households gas that was even 10 % cheaper. Prices for natural gas on the short term market is visibly increasing in March. For example the price for gas on the German platform NCG, which is a reference point also for Slovak traders has increased by more than 10 % since the beginning of March from previous 2,25 cent per 1 kWh to 2,5 cent per 1 kWh.

Wednesday – 23rd March 2011

The resort of economy and the government is trying to dismiss the chief of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) for the third time by making an amendment  in the law. „It is a third   phase when the government is trying to dismiss Mr. Jozef Holjenčík from his function,” said ex-minister of economy and deputy in parliament Ľubomír Jahnátek (Smer-SD).

The level of radiation in towns near the nuclear power plant Jaslovské Bohunice is at normal levels between 90 to 120 nanosievert. The level of radiation is also being monitored more often, in the Trnava municipality the level is monitored twice a day by the local office, in cities near Jaslovské Bohunice three times a day. The instructions came from the Ministry of Interior. The Office has a duty to report an increased radiation three times higher than the average. In Trnava the level was 110, 95 in Horné Trhovište and 98 in Hlohovec.

The decision of the government to sell 100 % shares of the six biggest heating companies is according to chairman of Smer-SD Robert Fico an electoral deception. As he further stated at a press conference, shortly before the elections the current PM Iveta Radičová said that she will not privatize any strategic property, in fact no privatization will be done. „What mandate does this glued together coalition have so they can adopt decisions whether they will privatize strategic companies,” asks ex-Prime Minister. According to him, the six companies are healthy and competitive and the only thing that will happen after the privatization is a rise of prices. Selling the six heating companies is according to him one of the biggest stupidities which the current government can do.

Thursday – 24th March 2011

Prime Minister Iveta Radičová informed before the summit of the European Council, which takes place on 24th and 25th March in Brussels that she wants to talk with the Austrian chancellor Werner Faymann about the issues of security of nuclear energy. Austria is intensively pushing for restrictions in energy production from nuclear in Europe after the catastrophe in Japan. „I want to hold bilateral negotiations with Mr. Werner Faymann. The topic of a complete shut down of nuclear power plants in Europe is pushed by some countries permanently, it is not anything new. But what is important to discuss are tests, security and increasing security of the existing power plants,” said Radičová on her way to the summit.

Friday – 25th March 2011

Smer-SD deputies from the opposition in the National Council of SR proposed a tempered version of the law on filing price proposal from trade companies. As Peter Žiga from Smer-SD said, the law will remain in force, but will be valid only for those companies who have less than five shareholders. According to him this will make sure that the state will have a share in the most important energy companies, which it should loose by their privatization. 

However, the coalition insists that the law should abolished. According to the law, energy companies have to approve the proposals at a plenary session. If the law is abolished, it will remove a burden for the companies, costs of trade companies and in the end it will strengthen the business environment, said Minister of Economy Juraj Miškov. Companies would not have to vote on the price proposals at the plenary session, but at a board meeting of the company. The parliament should vote about the issue next week. The companies support the government to cancel the law. The law was approved by the previous government of Robert Fico at the end of 2008. The law came as a reaction to SPP that was continuously demanding a higher price for gas for households even after the Regulatory Office refused their proposals.

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