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jadrova elektraren v horach

Nuclear developing can increase the competitiveness of Europe

31. mája 2013 Ostatné

Week in Slovakia Monday – 27th May 2013 District heating companies reviewed their investment plans. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) The state will not support solar panels or biomass boilers for households. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) After completion of the third and fourth block of Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce, the state budget will increase by 109 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Electricité de France (EdF) and Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s., (EPH) signed on Friday (24.05) a definitive agreement about the sale of a minority 49 -% stake, which EdF owns in the company Stredoslovenská Energy. The transaction value is approximately 400 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Wednesday – 29th May 2013 Slovakia awaits a construction boom of biomethane stations. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) The representatives of the State did not voted again for the budget od 3rd and 4th block in nuclear power plant at General Meeting od company Slovenské elektrárne. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Thursday – 30th May 2013 Czech company Unipetrol agreed with the Slovak oil pipeline operator Transpetrol to new conditions which ensure cheaper oil supplies through the Slovak partof Družba pipeline Slovak part. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Increased fees for importing gas from west to east, the entry points in Lanzhot and Baumgarten, will not affect the final price for consumers. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Friday – 31st May 2013 The decrease in energy prices could contribute nuclear energy, said on 8th meeting of the European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) Prime Minister Robert Fico. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH) at acquiring a stake in (Zobraziť celý článok)

Rastislav Hanulak

Energofórum 2013 Plyn: Praktické skúsenosti s aplikáciou novej legislatívy pre ÚRSO

28. mája 2013 Ostatné

Nová legislatíva posilnila kompetencie ÚRSO vo viacerých oblastiach: normotvorby, vecnej regulácie, cenovej regulácie, kontroly a správneho trestania a neformálnej oblasti. Je otázne, nakoľko ich ÚRSO v jednotlivých oblastiach zvláda, uviedol počas prvého dňa dvojdňovej konferencie ENERGOFÓRUM 2013 PLYN Rastislav Hanulák partner a advokát právnickej kancelárie Capitol Legal Group. (Zobraziť celý článok)

oravska priehrada-TASR

Open Plant 2013 starts already 25th May in hydropower plant Orava

24. mája 2013 Ostatné

Week in Slovakia Monday – 20th May 2013 The state wants to promote district heating. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Tuesday – 21st May 2013 The pipeline project interconnection between Bratislava and Schwechat remains one of the priorities in the oil business. Ministry of Economy has included the project in the new Energy Policy. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Miloš Pavlík will be form 27 May 2013 the new general director of Eustream. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Wednesday – 22nd May 2013 The company Energetický a průmyslový holding began exclusive talks with the French company EDF about buying 49 % stake in the company Stredoslovenská energetika for about 400 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Thursday – 23rd May 2013 The comapany Slovenské elektrárne have already starded the seventh project Open plant 2013 to the public. Series of favorite events starts this Saturday (25.5.) in the hydroelectric power station Orava, which celebrates its 60th anniversary. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) The company Slovenské elektrárne completed the general overhaul of the Nuclear Power Plant Bohunice V2. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) (Zobraziť celý článok)

oravska priehrada-TASR

Otvorená elektráreň štartuje už 25. mája vo vodnej elektrárni Orava

24. mája 2013 Ostatné

Týždeň na Slovensku Pondelok – 20.5.2013 Štát chce podporovať centrálne zásobovanie teplom. (viac informácií) Utorok – 21.5.2013 Projekt ropovodného prepojenia medzi Bratislavou a rakúskym Schwechatom naďalej patrí medzi slovenské priority v oblasti ropného biznisu. Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR (MH) zahrnulo projekt do novej Energetickej politiky SR. (viac informácií) Novým generálnym riaditeľom (GR) spoločnosti Eustream bude od 27. mája 2013 Miloš Pavlík. (viac informácií) Streda – 22.5.2013 Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH) začal s francúzskou spoločnosťou EDF exkluzívne rozhovory o kúpe 49 %-ného podielu vo firme Stredoslovenská energetika (SSE) za zhruba 400 miliónov eur. (viac informácií) Štvrtok – 23.5.2013 Slovenské elektrárne (SE), a. s., už po siedmykrát otvárajú brány svojich závodov pre verejnosť. Séria obľúbených podujatí Otvorená elektráreň štartuje už túto sobotu (25. 5.) o 10. hodine vo vodnej elektrárni (VE) Orava, ktorá oslavuje svoje 60. výročie. (viac informácií) Slovenské elektrárne (SE), a. s., prifázovaním prvého turbogenerátora ukončili v stredu (22. 5.) popoludní generálnu opravu (GO) 4. bloku Atómových elektrární Bohunice (EBO) V2. (viac informácií) (Zobraziť celý článok)

The energy supplier Energetické Centrum was fined 1 million euros

17. mája 2013 Ostatné

Week in Slovakia Tuesday – 14th May 2013 The company Slovenské elektárne has led the control and supply system on the third block of Nuclear Power Plant. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) According to Greenpeace the District court in Bratisalva confirmed its reservations about the conduct of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Slovak republic in assessing the completion of the nuclear power plant. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) The private investor wants to build a biomass power plant in the East Slovakia. The investment will be about 3,4 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Wednesday – 15th May 2013 The company Slovenské elektrárne was successful in the lawsuit of hydroelectric power Gabčíkovo. Bratislava District Court dismissed the action of the state enterprise Vodohospodárska výstavba. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Thursday – 16th May 2013 Ukraine started importing gas through Slovakia in test mode, said Energy and Coal Industry Minister Eduard Stavitsky. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Ministry of Economy said that from there is no substantive debate from the side of the association Nie ropovodu. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate). Activists seek the answers from the minister Malatinský in the problems of pipeline through Bratislava. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Regulatory Office for Network Industries completed the administrative proceedings in relation to the control of the energy supplier Energetické Centrum. The Regulatory Office imposed a fine 1 million euros. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) The current model of management of emergency stocks is straining the state budget. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Friday – 17th May 2013 The price of electricity produced from renewable energy sources will be reduced. (more information – automatic (Zobraziť celý článok)

Energetické centrum dostalo pokutu milión eur

17. mája 2013 Ostatné

Týždeň na Slovensku Utorok – 14.5.2013 Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (SE) oživili na treťom bloku Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce (EMO), ktorý v súčasnosti dostavujú, elektrické napájanie systému kontroly a riadenia. (viac informácií) Bratislavský krajský súd dnes podľa organizácie Greenpeace potvrdil jej výhrady voči konaniu Úradu jadrového dozoru (ÚJD) SR v procese posudzovania dostavby jadrovej elektrárne Mochovce. (viac informácií) Na východe Slovensku chcú postaviť elektráreň na biomasu. Energetický zdroj plánuje postaviť pri Košiciach za približne 3,4 mil. eur súkromná spoločnosť. (viac informácií) Streda – 15.5.2012 Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (SE) boli úspešné v súdnom spore o Vodnú elektráreň Gabčíkovo (VEG). Bratislavský okresný súd v utorok totiž odmietol žalobu štátneho podniku Vodohospodárska výstavba vo veci vyslovenia neplatnosti zmluvy o prevádzke VEG. (viac informácií) Štvrtok – 16.5.2013 Ukrajina začala v stredu (15. 5.) testovať dovoz plynu cez Slovensko, uviedol ukrajinský minister energetiky a uhoľného priemyslu Eduard Stavickij. (viac informácií) MH SR: Zo strany OZ Nie ropovodu absentuje snaha o vecnú diskusiu (viac informácií). Aktivisti žiadajú od Malatinského odpovede k ropovodu cez Bratislavu. (viac informácií) Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví (ÚRSO) ukončil správne konanie v súvislosti s kontrolou v spoločnosti Energetické centrum (EC). Dodávateľovi plynu a elektriny uložil pokutu vo výške 1 milión eur. (viac informácií) Súčasný model správy núdzových zásob nadmerne zaťažuje štátny rozpočet. (viac informácií) Piatok – 17.5.2013 Do roku 2020 by sa mala výkupná cena elektriny vyrobenej z OZE postupne znižovať. Po roku 2020 by sa už elektrina vyrobená z obnoviteľných zdrojov nemala podporovať vyššími výkupnými cenami vôbec. (viac informácií) Mimoriadne valné zhromaždenie spoločnosti Slovenské elektrárne opäť neschválilo nový rozpočet na dostavbu tretieho a štvrtého bloku Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce (EMO). (viac informácií) (Zobraziť celý článok)

australia geothermal anywhere

Geothermal Anywhere announces rebranding to GA Drilling

10. mája 2013 Ostatné

Week in Slovakia Case: Geothermal Anywhere announces rebranding to GA Drilling Geothermal Anywhere changed company name to GA Drilling. This rebranding follows a period of expansion and reflects the overall transformation of company. GA Drilling, as an innovative leader in the development of groundbreaking cost-effective drilling technologies, now intensively cooperates with the oil&gas, mining and geothermal industries. Igor Kocis, CEO, said of the launch: „Following a very successful year, our technology, products and market evolved to such a degree that we no longer feel that the name Geothermal Anywhere fully reflects who we are.” The new company logo was inspired by the PLASMABIT drilling technology, with design elements that characterize the company and its products: dynamic, efficient, precise and purposeful.  „Our new identity helps mirror the fact that we are focused on ensuring the successful commercialization of our technology lines for the oil&gas, mining and geothermal industries – these three colours symbolize our corporate identity,” explained Igor Kocis. „The idea of rebranding was raised in the autumn of 2012, when it was clear that we were transitioning to a company with broader technology applications,“ said Tomas Kristofic, CTO. „When our technologies were successfully tested and proven in October, we knew there would never be a better time to rebrand. Both in our upcoming Joint Industry Projects (JIPs) and investment round, the new corporate identity clearly communicates to our current and potential partners that we introduce technologies affecting the whole drilling market,“ concluded Tomas Kristofic. By May 6, 2013, all website content will be moved to new website at www.GADrilling.com. Also, any e-mail addresses you may have for current Geothermal Anywhere employees will be replaced by the GA Drilling email addresses. These individuals may be reached via email by simply replacing the geoany.com suffix with gadrilling.com (more information) Monday – 6th May 2013 Dalkia (Zobraziť celý článok)

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