Gas supplies to Slovakia from Ukraine are without problems
Week in Slovakia Tuesday – 8th April 2014 Extraordinary General Meeting of company Slovenské elektrárne increased the budget for the completion of the nuclear power plant. The company has 3.8 billion euros for the construction works on the third and fourth block. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Russian gas supplies to Slovakia from Ukraine are currently in standard mode and in agreed volumes. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Wednesday – 9th April 2014 Head of Slovak diplomacy Miroslav Lajčák received a mandate for the negotiations on the reverse gas flow from Slovakia to Ukraine in Kiev. As he said he would convey Slovak attitude at the meeting with Prime Minister Arsenij Jaceňuk and Minister of Energy Jurij Prodan. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate) Thursday – 10th April 2014 Slovakia will be helpful in commissioning of the reverse flow of natural gas to Ukraine but it demands that the European Union will provide guarantees in the case of insolvency of Kiev. (more information– automatic translation via Google Translate) (Zobraziť celý článok)