State gives green light to increasing household gas prices
Case: Changes in natural gas prices for households in Slovakia Natural gas prices as well as prices for natural gas for heat generation for Slovak households might increase already at the end of this year. The state, as a majority share holder in the company Slovak gas industry (Slovenský plynárenský priemysel a.s.), gave a green light to two proposals of the company. The price changes must be now approved by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO). During an exceptional plenary session of the SPP that took place on Thursday (2nd September), the SPP management introduced four proposals for gas price changes. Two proposals, both valid from 1st November 2010 if approved, will now be submitted to ÚRSO. For natural gas pries for Slovak households, SPP management proposed the following two suggestions: A proposal effective from 1st November 2010 that proposed a price increase by 7,5 % A proposal effective from 1st December 2010 that proposed a price increase by 27,6 % In case of the price for natural gas for heat generation that is supplied to households, the following two proposals were submitted: A proposal effective from 1st November 2010 that proposed a price increase by 10,1 % A proposal effective from 1st December 2010 that proposed a price increase by 35,3 % The state representative from the Ministry of Economy and Construction approved both the proposal valid from 1st November and said that they are well founded and reasoned. According to Ondrej Šebesta, spokesman of SPP, increasing the prices is a right move. The main reason why SPP wants to increase the prices is the gradual increase of cost price for natural gas. SPP pays for the natural gas in US dollars and since the beginning of 2010, the exchange rate of euro fell more rapidly against the (Zobraziť celý článok)