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europsky parlament

Slovakia is harmonizing the rules of energy taxation with the EU laws

24. septembra 2010 Ostatné

Slovakia is harmonizing the rules of energy taxation with the EU laws The Slovak government has voted in favor of canceling the exceptions from consumption taxes on natural gas and coal for heat production for households. The taxation allowance will be also cancelled for engine fuels such as LPG, CNG and the so called red diesel. The government of Iveta Radičová has voted for the amendment to the law on consumption taxes for electricity, coal and natural gas on the 22nd September. Canceling the taxation allowance for coal and gas for heat production as well as CNG was an obligation set by the European legislative. Furthermore, the amendment also creates additional incomes for the next years´ state budget. In 2011 the government plans to collect approximately 100 million euro and this number should steadily rise in the next years. The government also gave a yes to the amendment to the law on consumption taxes from mineral oils. This will affect the so called red diesel which is used in the agricultural sector and LPG. The red diesel is characteristic by its red color addition which makes it easy to recognize from ordinary diesel used in other than engines of agricultural vehicles. The proposed amendment also changes the system of taxation allowance of engine fuels that include a biogenic element. The current system of 122 taxation exceptions will be replaced by one so called environmental rule: only those engine fuels that have include a biogenic element will have a tax allowance, whereas the minimum will be set for each year individually. According to Minister of Economy, Ivan Mikloš, repealing the exception from consumption taxes for selected engine fuels and for energy sources for heat production for household will not have an effect on electricity prices. However the new rules will definitely (Zobraziť celý článok)

Joze Holjenčík (wide)

Fight between Board for regulation and minister of economy deepens

17. septembra 2010 Ostatné

Future of the Board for Regulation and the Regulatory Office for Network Industries The Board for Regulation will not be canceled as it was previously planned. The decision was taken by Slovak PM Mrs. Iveta Radičová. Radičová together with her coalition partners voted against the suggestion of Minister of Economy and Construction Mr. Juraj Miškov. Miškov planned to cancel the Board within the frame of the amendment Bill for the Regulation law. According to the government, the proposed step would not fulfill the program declaration of the government. As Mrs. Radičová explained, „the declaration clearly states that we will depoliticize the whole functioning of the ÚRSO (Regulatory Office). So if the chief of the Regulatory Office would be nominated by the government, it would be the completely opposite process.” Juraj Miškov now has to come up with a different solution on how to re-organize the Regulatory Office ÚRSO and overall regulatory framework. The original proposal to cancel the Board for Regulation on 1st November was presented by him during the stipulation process last week. In case the government would vote for the proposal, the current members sitting in the Board would have to leave their posts. The next would be the direct nomination of the new chairman and vice-chairman of ÚRSO by the government. Minister Miškov defended his proposal saying that until now, the Board for regulation did not fulfill the expectations and goals for why it was created in 2007. The dispute between Minister Miškov and Board chairman Holjenčík started on Monday, 13th September when Miškov accused the ÚRSO Board that they did not hand in their proposals for the chairman and vice-chairman positions. Holjenčík on the contrary argued that the Board did so already in 2007, 16 days after the Board was appointed. As Miškov stated, „the government (Zobraziť celý článok)

Joze Holjenčík (wide)

Regulačný zápas sa prehlbuje (Miškov versus Holjenčík)

17. septembra 2010 Ostatné

Pondelok – 13.09.2010 Slovensko: Premiérka Iveta Radičová sa ospravedlnila rakúskemu kancelárovi v súvislosti s nedostatočnou komunikáciou Slovenska pri rozhodovaní o dostavbe jadrovej elektrárne Mochovce. Viedeň je dlhodobo proti dokončeniu tretieho a štvrtého bloku elektrárne. Exminister hospodárstva Ľubomír Jahnátek označil konanie premiérky za „servilnosť”. (viac informácií) Minister hospodárstva Juraj Miškov tvrdí, že predseda Rady pre reguláciu Jozef Holjenčík zneužíva súčasnú situáciu a vedome blokuje vymenovanie nového šéfa regulačného úradu (ÚRSO). Európska únia: Litva hľadá strategického investora pre výstavbu novej jadrovej elektrárne v meste Visaginas. Dodávateľa vyberie vláda do konca tohto roku. Opatrením sa má znížiť energetická závislosť na Ruskej federácii, ktorá eskalovala po vyradení elektrárne Ignalina v decembri 2009. V súčasnosti Litva dováža až 50 % elektrickej energie. (viac informácií) Svet: Kuvajt sa bude v budúcnosti poliehať na jadrovú energiu. Do roku 2022 postaví štyri jadrové reaktory, každý s inštalovaným výkonom 1.000 MW. (viac informácií) V azerbajdžanskom Baku sa rokovalo o detailoch plynovodného prepojenia AGRI. Zúčastnili sa ho najvyšší predstavitelia Azerbajdžanu, Gruzínska a Rumunska. (viac informácií) Medzinárodná energetická agentúra (IEA) predpovedá, že svetový dopyt po energiách do roku 2030 narastie zhruba o 40 %. Problém pre mnohé krajiny predstavuje nedostatok elektrární (najmä Čína) ako aj potreba modernizácie elektrických prenosových sietí (napr. USA). (viac informácií) Ťažobný koncern BP oznámil, že za škody po výbuchu ropnej plošiny v Mexickom zálive možno zaplatí menej než 20 mld. amerických dolárov. (viac informácií) Utorok – 14.09.2010 Slovensko: Predseda Rady pre reguláciu Jozef Holjenčík reagoval na tlačovom brífingu na obvinenia ministra hospodárstva Juraja Miškova. Ten tvrdil, že Rada od mája 2007 nepredložila vláde návrh na posty predsedu a podpredsedu ÚRSO. Pokiaľ predseda regulačného úradu nie je zvolený, dočasne vykonáva jeho funkciu šéf Rady pre reguláciu. Podľa slov Miškova je tento stav nezákonný a Holjenčík vedome zneužíva túto situáciu. Predseda Rady pre reguláciu sa ohradil, že návrh na personálne (Zobraziť celý článok)

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