Case: Construction of Mochovce – Slovakia might have breached the Aarhus convention The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic did not consult the construction of the 3rd and 4th block of the nuclear power plant Mochovce clearly enough with the public. These are the findings of the Aarhus committee. According to the committee, the public in Slovakia was not informed in a timely manner and was not involved sufficiently in the process of deciding whether the 3 and 4 blocks should be constructed. Back in 2008 the NRA decided to change the building permission, by which it de facto gave a permission to finish its construction. The primary permission was issues back in 1986, but back in those days, the law did not allow any public consultations or asses the impact of the construction on the environment. In 2008 the original decision was changed so that the power plant could be finished by a foreign investor. According to the preliminary assessment of the Aarhus committee, the Slovak legislative does not recognize the right of the public to express its opinion in a sufficient way in cases if a building permission for a strategic energy building is being changed. And this is in conflict with the Article 6, paragraph 4 of the The UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. The Aarhus committee was dealt with Mochovce for the first time on 15th March 2010 in Geneva when representatives of both the SR and environmental NGO-s addressed their standpoints. The opinion of the Aarhus committee is only preliminary and both sides have time until 8th November to send their remarks. Week in Slovakia Tuesday – 12th October 2010 Slovakia donated two solar systems for heating water to the Serbian town (Zobraziť celý článok)