CASE:Electricity prices in Slovakia set to rise 4,82 % in 2011 In the upcoming year we will have to pay in average 4, 82 % more for electricity. The decision was made by the Regulatory Office, which has increased the system operational tariff for ZSE Energia, Stredoslovenská energetika and Východoslovenská energetika. The tariff comprises of a number of components; support for extracting domestic coal, production of electricity from renewable energy sources and support for combined production of electricity and heat, e.g. cogeneration. The tariff was markedly influenced by the law amendment on renewable energy sources (RES). „It has to be stressed that this tariff, which has to be paid by all the purchasers with no exemption, influences the final price of electricity greatly and therefore it can be said that in this tariff the key for setting the price for household electricity in 2011 was hidden,” explained Miroslav Lupták, spokesman of ÚRSO. Other components of the end electricity price were kept at a stabilized level. Also the outlooks for 2011 were positive. „Those regulated fees that the Office directly influences did in fact fall, „stressed Lupták. Average price for electricity supplies in 2011 for example fell by 0, 13 % compared with 2010 and fees for distribution by 0, 44%. The tariff was mainly influenced by RES Costs for supporting electricity from renewable energy sources will increase by 527 %, informs the statement from Mr. Lupták. The average tariff for system operating in 2011 is being increased by 8, 5 euro per MWH compared with 2010. Photovoltaic has the biggest share in the component of renewable energy sources. According to Lupták ÚRSO was permanently warning in the last year that the rapid growth of number and capacity of the photovoltaic sources can have a negative impact on the end price. (Zobraziť celý článok)