Slovakia has a new combined cycle power plant
CASE: Slovakia has a new combined cycle power plant A new commercial combined cycle power plant was put into operation in Slovakia at the beginning of 2011. The power plant is located near the town Malženice in Trnava municipality. The total installed capacity is 430 MW and it should generate more than 3 billion kWh of electricity per year. If the combined cycle power plant would generate electricity only for households, it would be able to cover annual consumption of approximately 600 – 900 thousand households. „Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology we will supply energy in an efficient and environmentaly responsible way,” said Konrad Kreuzer, chairman of the E.ON Slovensko managing board. Just for illustration, the emission footprint of the power plant in Malženice is 335 kg emissions of CO2 per every MWh. Combined cycle power plants with a lower efficiency show worse numbers, for example the CCPP in Bratislava with an efficiency of 46 % has an emission footprint 430 kg of CO2 per every MWh. The Malženice power plant consumes around 0,5 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year. To compare, MEC SR stated in summer 2010 that in 2009 Slovakia has used 5,9 billion cubics of natural gas. In a recently published interview for web portal „energia” Dušan Randuška from SPP has labelled the combined cycle power plants as the main generators of natural gas demand in Slovakia: „Gas consumption in Slovakia will mainly depend on the speed by which projects for electricity generation using gas will develop. This will be the main generator of the new demand in the near future.” I. Kočiš: Plasma is not a „Robinson” research, but has real application Plasma is the most efficient technology for dig geothermal drills. The conclusion was made by researchers from Slovakia and Austria that take part (Zobraziť celý článok)