Support system for biomass in Slovakia will change
Week in Slovakia Case: Utilizing the potential of biomass in Slovakia Renewable energy sources in Slovakia and mainly biomass have the biggest perspective for heat generation. As Juraj Novák from the branch on energy politics from SR Ministry of Economy stated, their resort is currently preparing a number of legislative changes, which should modify the regulatory system for heat supplies. According to Novák, Slovakia has a potential to reach a share of 14% from RES in electrcity consumption until 2020. And it is biomass that could contribute the most. Biomass is „currently competing with fossil fuels and it can be predicted that its competitiveness will increase in the future,” said Novák. The subsidy system for central heating sources is ineffective What should also change are the conditions of central heating supplying. According to Novák, the subsidy system for central sources is not set effectively enough during the current programme period. „This means: we do support changing a boiler, but we do not support reconstruction of heating distribution. During the phase when heat is being distributed we encounter great loses and hence central heating supplying is not competitive as lets say small local boiler houses,” Novák explained. As he further stated, supporting RES for heating and cooling will focus on public buildings, which should be according to the EU directives leading examples. Biomass should by used for combined electricity and heat generation In 2008 biomass in Slovakia was primarily used for heat generation and bio-fuels. „If in 2020 we would produce biomass dominantly for electricity generation, the goal would not be reached as effectively as using biomass for combined heat and electricity generation, or when heating will be a priority. The efficiency of transforming solid biomass into heat is way much higher than if we are only generating electricity without combined (Zobraziť celý článok)