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Juraj Miškov

Deputies amended the law on passing price proposals

5. apríla 2011 Ostatné

Week in Slovakia CASE: Managing boards of companies will again have authority over price proposals Price proposals will be approved only by managing boards of companies. Deputies of the National Council SR repealed the law on handing price proposal by trading companies according to which the proposals had to be approved on a meeting of the general assembly before sent to the Regulatory Office. The companies should return to the traditional way of approving energy prices starting off in May. Deputies from the opposition party Smer-SD tried to moderate the law at the plenary session by suggesting that the proposals would have to be approved by a general assembly of companies which have less than five shareholders. However, the coalition deputies did not approve their amendment. Repealing the law should according to the Minister of Economy Juraj Miškov remove bureaucratic burdens for the companies, their costs and in the end also improve the business environment. Regulation vs. needs of the market „Price regulation of storage services (natural gas storage) for its administrative demands causes the fact that the whole process of creating proposals for storage capacities delays even three months and the it does not correspond with the current demand of the gas market,” said Martin Hollý, director general of the company Nafta, a.s. last year for energia.sk. The problem of price regulation according to him was that the operator of the natural gas storage tanks had to go through an extensive process before it could sing a contract. After those interested in their products handed in their offer, Nafta, a.s. had to work out a price „benchmarking” from surrounding countries in that particular time, based on this benchmarking then work out a price proposal, have it approved by its own general assembly and then asks the regulatory (ÚRSO) to (Zobraziť celý článok)

PV panely

Štátna podpora solárnej energie sa zníži

4. apríla 2011 Ostatné

Pondelok – 7.3.2011 Slovensko: Vládny kabinet sa snaží rokovať s Úradom pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví (ÚRSO) o možnostiach ako znížiť ceny energií. V Sobotných dialógoch Slovenského rozhlasu to vyhlásila premiérka Iveta Radičová. (viac informácií) Privatizácia by sa podľa predsedu parlamentného výboru pre hospodárstvo Stanislava Janiša mala uskutočniť dvojkolovo. Ako ďalej uviedol, je potrebná vzhľadom na hospodárske výsledky teplární a zrovnoprávnenie na trhu. (viac informácií) Dojazd elektrických áut na trase Bratislava – Viedeň by v budúcnosti nemal predstavovať problém. Medzi hlavnými mestami Slovenska a Rakúska totiž vznikne sieť nabíjacích staníc pre elektromobily v rámci cezhraničného projektu elektromobility VIBRATE. V rámci projektu sa má do roku 2013 postaviť 50 takýchto staníc, z toho minimálne 8 na území Bratislavy. (viac informácií) Európska únia: Rakúsky petičný plebiscit o vystúpení krajiny z Euratomu, ktorý presadzujú odporcovia jadrovej energetiky, sa doteraz javí ako veľký prepadák. Občania prejavujú o možnosť vyjadriť sa v tejto veci len okrajový záujem. (viac informácií) Český ČEZ Energo chce do 10 rokov inštalovať po krajine stovky malých kogeneračných jednotiek s výkonom do 5 MW. (viac informácií) Svet: Staronovým šéfom ruského plynárenského monopolu Gazprom sa stane Alexej Miller. Do funkcie ho na ďalších 5 rokov menoval ruský premiér Vladimír Putin. (viac informácií) Utorok – 8.3. 2011 Slovensko: Novým štátnym tajomníkom ministerstva hospodárstva by sa mal stať miesto Martina Chrena Marián Takáč. (viac informácií) Cena elektriny by sa mohla znížiť vďaka prijatiu tretieho liberalizačného balíčka do slovenskej legislatívy ako aj menším záujmom investorov o pripájanie slnečných elektrární ako predpokladal ÚRSO. (viac informácií) Slovensko bude meškať s implementáciou tretieho liberalizačného balíčka do slovenskej legislatívy. Transpozícia energetického balíčka mala byť pritom ukončená v marci tohto roka. (viac informácií) Európska únia: V uplynulom roku pokrývali obnoviteľné zdroje energie viac ako 8 percent spotreby energie v Českej republike. Vyplýva to z údajov českého Energetického regulačného úradu (ERÚ). (viac informácií) Svet: Spolu so Saudskou Arábiou (Zobraziť celý článok)

ciernobiela atomka

Level of radiation in Slovakia is at its average

1. apríla 2011 Ostatné

Monday – 21st March 2011 Alternative suppliers of natural gas that mainly count on buying the commodity on European markets could loose their advantage on the Slovak market. The spot prices for natural gas went up due to the situation in Arabic countries and the catastrophe in Japan. And it was the cheaper gas bought on markets that gave the alternative suppliers the possibility to offer Slovak households gas that was even 10 % cheaper. Prices for natural gas on the short term market is visibly increasing in March. For example the price for gas on the German platform NCG, which is a reference point also for Slovak traders has increased by more than 10 % since the beginning of March from previous 2,25 cent per 1 kWh to 2,5 cent per 1 kWh. Wednesday – 23rd March 2011 The resort of economy and the government is trying to dismiss the chief of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) for the third time by making an amendment  in the law. „It is a third   phase when the government is trying to dismiss Mr. Jozef Holjenčík from his function,” said ex-minister of economy and deputy in parliament Ľubomír Jahnátek (Smer-SD). The level of radiation in towns near the nuclear power plant Jaslovské Bohunice is at normal levels between 90 to 120 nanosievert. The level of radiation is also being monitored more often, in the Trnava municipality the level is monitored twice a day by the local office, in cities near Jaslovské Bohunice three times a day. The instructions came from the Ministry of Interior. The Office has a duty to report an increased radiation three times higher than the average. In Trnava the level was 110, 95 in Horné Trhovište and 98 in Hlohovec. The decision of the government to (Zobraziť celý článok)

Seizmic resistance of nuclear power plant Mochovce will be reinforced

1. apríla 2011 Ostatné

Monday – 14th March 2011 The law amendment of the law on renewable energy sources, which should be discussed in the parliament in March does not eliminate a continual growth of prices for electricity according to Stanislav Janiš (SDKÚ-DS), chairman of the parliamentary committee for economy. As Janiš said, support for electricity generation from renewable sources and combined heat and electricity generation was 160 million Euro in 2010 and in 2011 in will be 320 million Euro. „If we will not change the trend that was set up in 2009, this amount will be even higher in 2012. Therefore it is necessary to enter into the law and change the parameters that were set up in a business style by Fico´s government. The proposed amendment from SaS does not solve this at all,” explained Janiš.  Tuesday – 15th March 2011 As a result of the fact that price for electricity as a commodity has annually dropped by 11 Euro for 1 Mwh in the period 2009 – 2010 the total revenues of the company SE – Enel have fallen by an estimated 14 %. Wednesday – 16th March 2011 Chief of the Italian company Enel Fulvio Conti is not afraid of too much regulation of prices for electricity in Slovakia. The Italian energy giant has already discussed the issue of setting the regulatory processes and also talked with Slovak Prime Minister Iveta Radičová. „Slovakia is a stable democracy and therefore I am sure that the issue will be resolved in such a manner that all parties will benefit,” said Conti. Thursday – 17th March 2011 Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (SE) plan to increase the resistance of the first and second reactor of the Nuclear power plant Mochovce (EMO) against seismic quakes. The company has already announced a tender for realization of (Zobraziť celý článok)

PV panely

Feed-in-tariff for solar power plants will fall

1. apríla 2011 Ostatné

Monday – 7th March 2011 The government of Iveta Radičová is trying to negotiate with the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) about possibilities to lower energy prices. The Ministry of Economy is trying to push down prices for electricity distribution. By doing so, prices of food and other commodities could fall too. According to Radičová the state has levers for companies where it has representation. Iveta Radičová also said that during the era of the previous government the price for electricity in Slovakia rose and is now one of the highest in EU. „But this was caused not by the fact that electricity production costs increased, it is because ÚRSO increased the fee for distribution,”. According to her, the tariff rose by 236 %. On the other hand, ÚRSO says it does not feel responsible for the rise in the tariff. The Office also refuses that the change in the fee is 236 %, but 134 and that it was caused mainly by connecting photovoltaic source to the grid in 2010. Privatization of the six heating companies should be realized in two rounds according to Stanislav Janiš, chairman of the parliamentary committee for economy. In the first round companies which have long experience in generation of heat and its distribution for a mainly communal sphere should be selected. „This will ensure that the companies will not end up in hands of financial groups for which the heating companies only mean business, but for credible companies that have good results in this area. In the second round it will only be the price that will decide. For this system we do not need any controls. It will be clean, transparent and professional,” explained Janiš. A network of charging stations for electro vehicle will be created between Bratislava and Vienna. The (Zobraziť celý článok)

Euro centy - mince

Subsidies for miners are higher than their salaries

1. apríla 2011 Ostatné

Monday – February 28th 2011 The state might require a new version of an analysis which would review the purchase price of company Slovenské elektrárne. The National Property Fund (NPF) of SR plans to announce the tender for economic and legal appraisal of accounting of Slovenské elektrárne on 26th April 2011: The analysis should be used for negotiating an amendment of the purchase price for selling 66 % shares of Slovenské elektrárne to the Italian company Enel. The issue was also debated during the government of Robert Fico and ex-minister of economy Ľubomír Jahnátek even presented in the government the agreed amendments with Enel, but the government did not deal with them. Privatization of Slovenské elektrárne was concluded in April 2006. Enel paid Slovakia 839 million Euro. The disputed issue is whether the purchase price from 2006 was the final price, or whether the state or Enel should pay additional money according to audits that where carried out after the company was sold. The agreement negotiated by ex-Minister Jahnátek was a zero version which meant that no side of the contract would have to pay any additional costs and 839 million Euro was the final price. Privatization of the six state heating companies does not require presence of international observers. As Stanislav Janiš (SDKÚ-DS), member of parliament and chief of the economic committee at of the Slovak National Council explained, the whole tender will be international with big players and these will be able to monitor each others. The question whether the tender should be observed from outside was raised by Prime Minister Iveta Radičova. „It is only a proposal so that the transparency of choosing the winner would be strengthened,” explained her spokesman Rado Baťo. Janiš also believes that the state should sell 100 % of the shares. „If (Zobraziť celý článok)

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