Growing biomass can create 6-thousand seasonal jobs
Week in Slovakia Monday – 18th April 2011 Growing biomass could create more than 6-thousand seasonal jobs in the upcoming 6 years in Slovakia. Realization of the already prepared projects and managing existing forest vegetation can create 350 jobs. Establishing new forest vegetation designated for energy production can create 250 seasonal jobs for every 1000 hectares. Thursday – 21st April 2011 The city representation in Trnava considers the joint-stock company Trnavská teplárenská a strategic company for Trnava and thus demands a higher share in the company than just the 5 % which the government has proposed. The deputies require a share that would secure Trnava the possibility to influence the management and control of the heating company. „The best model would be if the town Trnava would own 50 % of the shares and the remaining 50 would be sold to a private investor,” said deputy from the city representation Matej Lančarič. This model was already tested with a company that deals with disposal of trash and was successful. Czech company Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH) is interested in buying two or three Slovak heating companies. RPH chief Daniel Křetínsky said that his company is mainly interested in Bratislava and Košice and Trnava might also be a choice. For EPH the size of the company is the key factor. Křetínsky also stated that prices for heat in the Bratislava heating company could be reduced by 10 to 15 %. Apart from Křetínsky two other companies own shares in EPH. J&T and PPF both hold 40 % of shares and Křetínsky 20. Ukrainian parliament has signed a deal with Russia and Slovakia on transport of nuclear waste between Russia and Slovakia via Ukraine. The agreement is valid for ten years and can be automatically extended to another ten years. Transits will (Zobraziť celý článok)