Gazprom moves to Cuba and Iran
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 28th June 2010
The Slovak Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) set the maximum buy in price for electric energy produced from solar energy at 387.64 euro for one megawatt hour (MWh). The price is valid for producers with the total installed capacity up to 100 kW. For producers of more than 100 kW the price is set at 382.61 euro per MWh. The regulation comes into force on 30th June 2010.
Furthermore ÚRSO also set the buy-in price for wind and geothermal energy. The price of one megawatt electricity produced from wind is 80.91 euro and 19.84 euro for geothermal energy.
Tuesday – 29th June 2010
Slovak electricity transmission system (SEPS), Plc reached a total revenue of 412.41 mil. euro in 2009. With costs reaching 400.86 mil. euro the net profit of the company reached 7.69 mil. euro from which 3.3 mil. euro will be paid off in the form of dividends.
The Slovak Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) carried out 22 controls in the first half of 2010, states the official ÚRSO report. From the total number of all the inspections, 15 were taken out in the field of heat energy.
Wednesday – 30th June 2010
The heating power plan in Vojany (EVO) will be reconstructed. Slovenské elekrárne, plc. (SE) decided to invest 18,7 mil. euro into the reconstruction of the fifth block of EVO. The turbine as well as generator that were both damaged during the fire in April 2009 will be replaced. All the new components will be provided by the Russian company OJSC Power Machines.
Thursday – 1st July 2010
In 2009 the nuclear power plants in Slovakia generated together 14 tWh of electric energy, informed the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of SR. In 2008 it was slightly more than 13 tWh. The rise of electricity production from nuclear energy in the last years can be ascribed to the projects carried out by the Slovenské elektrárne aimed at increasing the performance of nuclear blocks. Two blocks of the Nuclear power plant Bohunice V2 produced 7 tWh of electric energy in 2009. The first and second block of Mochovce also generated 7tWh. According to NRA the operation of the nuclear blocks in Slovakia is safe and reliable.
According to the decision of the County court in Bratislava, the company EUstream, plc. still faces a fine worth of 3.28 mil euro from the Antimonopoly Office of SR. The decision confirmed an earlier decision of the Council of the Antimonopoly Office from September 2008. Eustream is alleged of misusing its dominant position on the market. Eustream wanted to connect the company GasTrading into gas transportation network only under the condition that it could buy connection devises of GasTrading into its ownership.
Saturday – 3rd July 2010
The chemical factory Duslo Šala has received 1,6 million tons of emission quota from the Ministry of environment. The total sum of the allocated emission credits AAU for the company reached 5 million tons over the last three years. Duslo plans to use the revenues from selling the credits for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions.
European Union and World
Monday – 28th June 2010
The French oil concern Total postponed indefinitely selling its petrol to Iran. The company hence joined the oil companies that imposed trading sanctions against Iran.
Tuesday – 29th June 2010
Gazprom Neft, the oil division of Russian gag monopoly wants to extend its activities to Cuba and Iran. The company plans to join project of the Malaysian company Petronas in Cuba already at the end of July. It is estimated that the Cuban section of the Mexican gulf holds more than 20 billion barrels of oil.
Belarus president Alexander Lukašenko announced that his country wants to diversify sources of imported energy goods to its territory. The announcement came shortly after the Russian-Belarus gas dispute came to an end. Minsk plant to import 4 million tons of oil from Venezuela in 2009. Lukašenko also added that it will never be possible to substitute the Russian supplies.
In the upcoming ten years Ukraine will save more than 40 millions of dollars on natural gas imports from Russia, claims the Russian minister of Finance Alexej Kudrin. The price reductions for the imported gas will be compensated by concessions to Russian businessmen working in Ukrainian energy sector.
Wednesday – 30th June 2010
The company British Petroleum (BP) initiates creation of a global reserve fund that will serve in case of oil catastrophes. The head economist of BP Christof Rühl believes that a similar catastrophe as the explosion of the oil platform Deepwater Horizont in the Mexican gulf would financially destroy smaller companies.
Thursday – 1st July 2010
The price for one cubic meter of natural gas increased by more than one quarter in Bulgaria. Sofia regulates the price of this commodity regularly every four months according to the trends on the global market. The country imports more than 95% of its gas supplies from Russia.
Finland approved construction of two new nuclear reactors. The number of reactors will reach 7. Both of the reactors will be constructed by companies Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) and consortium Fennovoima, whereas their price should reach 7 and 10 bill. euro. The reactors should come into operation in 2020.
Friday – 2nd July 2010
Russia and Belarus have made an agreement on the tariffs for natural gas transit into Europe. According to the agreement between Russian Gazprom and Belarus company Beltransgazom the transit fee will be 1,88 dollar for every 1000 cubic meter of gas per 100 kilometres of the gas pipeline. Belarus will cash 30% more than previously.
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