Energy suppliers have to refund half a million Euro to their customers
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 6th June 2011
A private investor wants to build a biogas station in the town Štrkovec near Rimavská Sobota. The stations should generate around 8 thousand Mwh of electricity and almost 8.2 thousand Mwh of heat energy. The cost of constructing the biogas station should be 4 million Euro and it should be put into operation in mid of 2012. Each year the biogas station will consume more than 16 thousand tons of corn silage and 1,5 thousand tons of haylage.
Tuesday – 7th June 2011
The sugar refinery in Trenčianská Teplá used to produce heat by burning coal and later heating oils. Currently they use natural gas and in future they should also use biomethane gained from rapeseed oil waste. (for video and photos click here)
Austrian experts welcomed the approach of Slovakia in the question of declassifying the Preliminary security report (PRESAR) of the project that should finish construction works on the third and fourth block of the Nuclear power plant Mochovce. The team of Austrian experts came to Mochovce on Monday and during the visit they were able to asses and read the Report and at the same time also pose questions to its content.
Czech energy concern ČEZ is considering to take part in the privatization of the state heating companies in Bratislava and Košice. The information was provided by the marketing director of ČEZ Alan Svoboda in an interview for eTrend.sk. However, the company is not willing to pay the so called „strategic bonus”. At the same time he also added that at the moment it is too soon to make any qualified investment decision as not many information are available.
Wednesday – 8th June 2011
Construction of the power plant in Jaslovské Bohunice should not be restricted by legislative. According to the director of the Nuclear regulatory authority Peter Uhrík, Slovakia has already implemented or will soon implement all the necessary European regulations and requirements of the Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA). The Slovak nuclear energy company (JESS, a.s.), which is owned by the Slovak Nuclear and Decommissioning Company and ČEZ is currently preparing a feasibility study.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority SR can now issue a permission to the Nuclear and Decommissioning Company to decommission the two block of the nuclear power plant V1 Jaslovské Bohunice. The reason is that the all the remaining fuel was exported to Russia on Wednesday leaving the power plant empty.
Thursday – 9th June 2011
The state was successful in another lawsuit over the company Transpetrol. The Highest court of SR turned down the appeal of the companies Brilant and Tradeunion that belong to the group of companies connected to Ignác Iľčišin against the Košice county court. The group of companies wants to claim a 34 % share in the Slovak oil transporting company Transpetrol, a.s.
Energy suppliers will have to repay almost half a million Euro to their customers as some of the electricity and heat suppliers charged higher prices as they were permitted by the Regulatory Office. The decision was taken by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries. According to the report revealed by the Office, electricity suppliers will have to pay back 1 700 Euro and heating suppliers almost 492 thousand Euro.
Friday – 10th June 2011
Cars run on electricity and their supporting in Slovakia is currently more of a PR activity for companies than real business. However, this should change in the foreseeable future according to companies which took part at the round table on electromobilty organized by the energy company VSE. In the next 2 or 3 years some of the models of Volkswagen could be also manufactured in the factory in Bratislava. Currently there are only a few electric cars registered in Slovakia and more people are using hybrid cars.
The Calvary in Banská Štiavnica will gain access to electricity. Electrification of the Calvary was supported by Stredoslovenské energetika that gave 150 thousand Euro to the Calvary fund. (for video click here)
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