Enel threatened to close the power plant in Nováky or even in Vojany
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 8th July 2012
Stredoslovenská energetika reached sales in amount 684 mill. euro last year. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Alternative energy supplier, the company SE Predaj, reached net profit of 995.000 euro last year. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Wednesday – 10th July 2013
Zvolenská teplárenská noticed loss 75.000 euro last year. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Operation of all nuclear facilities has been safe and reliable for three years in Slovakia. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The company Tepláreň Košice noticed loss 450.000 eur last year. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Thursday – 11th July 2013
Pressure of the state to low electricity prices threaten thousands of jobs. The latest dispute between the Regulator (ÚRSO) and Slovenské elektrárne can finished the operation in power plant Nováky or even Vojany. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Friday – 12th July 2013
Slovak motorists could fill up in most popular foreign tourist destination – Croatia the eighth cheapest gasoline. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
VSE win an award for special use of GIS technology in U.S. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
The company Slovenské elektrárne completed the general overhaul of the Nuclear Power Plant Bohunice. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
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