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21. júna 2013 Ostatné od Energia.skSITA

Emergency oil stocks will be managed by the New Agency

Week in Slovakia

Monday – 17th June 2013

Coal reserves at the mine Cigeľ will be until 2015. It will decline a production from existing 2.13 million tonnes to 1.62 million tonnes in 2016. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Nuclear Regulatory Authority is satisfied with the operation of nuclear power plants in Slovakia during the last three years. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Slovenské elektrárne supplied to the grid 20.7 TWh of electricity. The proportion of resources on the net supply of nuclear power plants was 70%, 20% hydro and 10% thermal power plants. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

SPP – Distribúcia had a profit before tax 139,06 mil. eur last year. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Other investors can leave from Slovak energy. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

Wednesday – 19th June 2013

Emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products should be managed by a New Agency. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)

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