Electricity prices in Slovakia set to rise 4,82 % in 2011
CASE:Electricity prices in
Slovakia set to rise 4,82 % in
In the upcoming year we will have to pay in average 4, 82 % more for electricity. The decision was made by the Regulatory Office, which has increased the system operational tariff for ZSE Energia, Stredoslovenská energetika and Východoslovenská energetika.
The tariff comprises of a number of components; support for extracting domestic coal, production of electricity from renewable energy sources and support for combined production of electricity and heat, e.g. cogeneration.
The tariff was markedly influenced by the law amendment on renewable energy sources (RES). „It has to be stressed that this tariff, which has to be paid by all the purchasers with no exemption, influences the final price of electricity greatly and therefore it can be said that in this tariff the key for setting the price for household electricity in 2011 was hidden,” explained Miroslav Lupták, spokesman of ÚRSO.
Other components of the end electricity price were kept at a stabilized level. Also the outlooks for 2011 were positive. „Those regulated fees that the Office directly influences did in fact fall, „stressed Lupták. Average price for electricity supplies in 2011 for example fell by 0, 13 % compared with 2010 and fees for distribution by 0, 44%.
The tariff was mainly influenced by RES
Costs for supporting electricity from renewable energy sources will increase by 527 %, informs the statement from Mr. Lupták. The average tariff for system operating in 2011 is being increased by 8, 5 euro per MWH compared with 2010.
Photovoltaic has the biggest share in the component of renewable energy sources. According to Lupták ÚRSO was permanently warning in the last year that the rapid growth of number and capacity of the photovoltaic sources can have a negative impact on the end price. The law amendment on RES from the government came in the last moments according to the regulatory office in order to protect households from a very negative development of electricity prices. „In case if all the planned solar sources would have been constructed, the end prices would be higher by yet another 12 %” warned Lupták.
Regulatory office will „flood-light” on photovoltaic
In 2011 ÚRSO will follow development in the field of photovoltaic sources and control legitimacy of costs for their maintenance, informs the press statement. At the end of the first half of 2011, ÚRSO will evaluate the situation and in case of illegitimate costs, it will lower the tariff, concludes Mr. Lupták.
Monday – 20th December 2010
Czech concern ČEZ wants to enter the Slovak market with natural gas in the household sector in 2011. The project is currently in its preparation phase, but if it is realised it would be the first competition for Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (Slovak Gas Industry). SPP is currently the dominant supplier on the natural gas market for household customers. ČEZ currently only offers electricity supplies for companies based in Slovakia.
Tuesday – 21st December 2010
Slovak households will pay approximately 4,82 % more for electricity in 2011. The information was provided by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) that has decided about the tariff for maintaining the system of the ZSE Energia company, Stredoslovenská energetika and Východoslovenská energetika. The tariff was influenced mainly by renewable energy sources and mainly photovoltaic.
Nitra is considering to build a steam-gas power plant that would be able to cover more than half of the energy needs of the town. Its installed capacity would reach 54 MW. The decision whether to realize the plan will be based on the results of the negotiations between the private investor and town-owned heating station. But even if the new power plant is built, a fall in energy prices is not likely, said the town mayor Jozef Dvonč.
European Union and World
Monday – 20th December 2010
Temelín will end the nuclear fuel replacement in 2011. In spring fuel sets in the second block of the power plant will be replaced. The nuclear source for Temelín will now come from the Russian supplier TVEL, who will replace the American fuel Westinghouse, due to the fact that TVEL has won a public tender in 2006.
Hungarian presidency in the EU in the first half of 2011 will focus on energy policy. The meeting of the ministers during the „energy summit“ in Budapest in February will focus on signing common conclusions in two strategic documents: Energy 2020 and Action plan on energy efficiency. The set of mid-term strategies will be supplement the initial debates on energy road map until 2050. Hungary will also face a big legislative challenge. That is to find a compromise between the Commission and the European parliament concerning the question of regulating integrity and transparency on the energy market. The aim is to reach a higher level of transparency.
Tuesday – 21st December 2010
European Commission (EC) has accused Czech companies EPH and J& Advisersthat they are impeding the investigation, misusing their dominant position and pushing out its competitors out from the market in the field of Czech energy market. As the EC states, the Czech companies did not provide the inspectors with sufficient information during the control in November 2009. In case of proving they are guilty, both companies will face a high fine, which could reach 1 % of their global annual income.
Operators of photovoltaic power plants in Czech republic face further financial loses. A lot of them will not be able to connect to the distribution network until the end of the year. They will then loose the chance to operate in the scheme which has set the buy-in prices for electricity profitably and will not fall remarkably in 2011.
Wednesday – 22nd December 2010
Biomass production in Czech republic is increasing steadily. The positive trend continued also in the last years despite the higher prices for initial sources and higher competitiveness on the Czech market. Wooden and plant pellets are the most used materials. Consumption of wooden pellets is increasing also among households due to the fact that the state offers subsidies for boilers that burn biomass.
South Korea has presented a government plan on how to increase raw material security of the country. The system of state support should help companies to reach new sources abroad. The aim of the government is to reach that in then years, 30 % of the oil and gas supplies for the home market will come from sources that are owned by south-Korean companies.
Thursday – 23rd December 2010
Latvian customers will have cheaper gas in 2011. The price should be 7 % lower. Gazprom has decreased the purchase price for the Latvian distributor Latvijas Gaze by 15 % in 2011. Latvia has signed a long term contract with Gazprom in 2009 saying that Gazprom will supply Latvia with natural gas for the upcoming 20 years.
Company RWE has stepped down from finishing the construction of the nuclear power plant in Bulgaria due to their concerns of low transparency in the process. Information from secret American diplomatic dispatches were released to the public via WikiLeaks. The original reasoning of RWE in 2009 was problems with financing.
USA have accused China on the floor of the World Trade Organization that the country is illegally supporting wind energy, which is according to the US Trade Representative deforming the market environment. Beijing refused all the accusation, but did not exclude their will to hold a debate with US representatives.
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