Contracts worth 2,6 bill. Euro for completion of Mochovce NPP signed
Week in Slovakia
Tuesday – 26th April 2011
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic gave the company Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (SE) two fines amounting to 115 thousand Euro. According to the controlling authority, SE has violated the nuclear law while operating the Nuclear power plant Mochovce. In the first case the fine 15 thousand Euro was given due to the fact that SE did meet the provisions of the protocol from the inspection in the area of preparing personnel. The second fine, 100.000 Euro referred to not meeting the documentation that was reviewed or approved by the NRA and carrying out changes on a selected device that was not previously approved by the NRA. Slovenské elektrárne appealed against the fines, but the NRA dismissed their appeal and SE will have to pay the fines. The money will be paid to the National Nuclear Fund.
Wednesday – 27th April 2011
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) is still not satisfied with the discipline of energy companies. According to the Office, last year the regulated subjects still paid only a small or no attention to quality standards. The regulated subject should satisfy the standards so that the customers receives adequate quality for the money they pay for electricity, heat or natural gas. „Even in the second year when the quality standards were evaluated a lot of companies did not pay attention to follow them. The evaluation of quality standards was only handed in by a couple of companies that were active on the market last year,” informed the Regulatory Office. Now the Office plans to carry out inspections in those subjects that did not meet the requirement and did not follow the quality standards, but also in those that did send them. There the Office will compare the evaluation with the actual state of quality.
Slovak customs officers have received five detectors for identifying radioactivity. The detectors are able to identify nuclear material in real time and set off an alarm. Slovakia has received the detectors from United States on the basis of the memorandum on cooperation the two countries have signed.
Thursday – 28th April 2011
Slovenské elektrárne are continuing in finishing construction of the third and fourth block at the Nuclear power plant Mochovce according to the plan. Currently SE are finalising agreements with suppliers who will complete the two blocks. „Until now we have signed agreements worth 2,6 billion Euro, which is approximately 94 % of the total investment costs. More than 55 % of the contracts were signed with Slovak companies,” said spokeswoman of Slovenské elektrárne Janka Burdová. Furthermore construction works are also being finished at the third and fourth reactor and assembling work should start. „The third block will be put into operation at the end of 2012 and the fourth in summer 2013,” added Burdová. Works on the two blocks were initiated in November 2008. After they are finished their total installed capacity will reach 880 MW. The main suppliers for the nuclear plant Mochovce are Czech company Škoda jadrové strojírenství (JS), Russian company Atomstrojexport and Slovak companies VUJE, Enesco, Inžinierske stavby Košice and Italian company Enel Ingegneria & Innovazione.
Photo: (c) SITA
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