Big suppliers of energies have submitted price proposals
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 31st October 2011
Number of CNG vehicles had a growing trend in Slovakia, said the head of the CNG sales in the company Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (SPP) Ľubomír Blaško. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Jadrová energetická spoločnosť Slovenska should draw up an exploration of viability the construction of new nuclear plant in Jaslovské Bohunice in the middle of next year. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
Thursday – 3rd November 2011
The big energy suppliers like Západoslovenská energetika(ZSE), Stredoslovenská energetika (SSE), Východoslovenská energetika (VSE) and Slovenský plynárenský priemysel (SPP) have already submitted their price proposolas.The Regulatory Office for Network Industries refused to comment the amount of price proposals. (more information – automatic translation via Google Translate)
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