Belarus and Russia in gas dispute
Week in Slovakia
Monday – 21st June 2010
According to an analysis prepared by the Ministry of environment of the Slovak Republic, the hydro energy potential in Slovakia is capitalized up to 70,6%. The used potential stands for 4732 GWh per year.
Thursday – 24th June 2010
Slovak company Nafta s.c. registered a higher interest in using the storage capacities of the natural gas reservoirs. The total capacity of 2,5 billion of cubic metres is currently being used by 11 subjects. According to the executive director Martin Hollý it is a consequences of the gas market liberalisation.
European Union and world
Monday – 21st June 2010
The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov ruled out the merger of the Russian company Gazprom with Ukrainian Naftogaz. Despite this decision he did not exclude the possibility of a distinct form of organized cooperation in the future.
French energy group GDF Suez will be a constituent of the gas pipeline Nord Stream. The company became the fifth shareholder and will obtain 9% of the shares from the Nord Stream AG capital. Gazprom holds the controlling share, the other shareholders are E-On, BASF and Gasunii from the Netherlands.
Tuesday – 22nd June 2010
In 2010 the energy company ČEZ will contribute to the state treasury of the Czech republic with a sum of 19.8 billion Czech crowns.
Representatives of oil companies slashed the decision of the American President Barack Obama, who imposed a 6 months moratorium for deep-water oil drilling in the Mexican gulf. According to a representative from the company Chevron Jay Pryor the ban will lead to a cut of world oil supplies and threaten energy security.
According to the investment consortium, the construction of the gas pipeline Nord Stream is continuing according to the current schedule. After three months of construction works 200 kilometres were already placed. The total length of the gas pipeline should reach 1200 kilometres and transport 27,5 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year. The first stream will be finished in December 2011, the second a year later.
Wednesday – 23rd June 2010
EU approved a 400 mil. euro grant for the Polish state energy company PGNiG. The financial support will be used for expand the storage capacities for natural gas by 60%. The total storage capacity should reach the level of 1,6 billion of cubic metres.
The Croatian-Hungarian border might hold a new natural gas field, the Croatian oil company INA and Hungarian MOL have reported. According to the first estimations of INA, the natural gas in the depth deposit reaches a flow of approximately 370.000 cubic metres per day.
An American court in the state of Louisiana repealed the decision of president Obama on suspending the deep-water oil drilling in the Mexican gulf for a period of six months.
Belarus agreed with the proposal of the European Commission (EC) to launch the early warming mechanism. The proposal came as a reaction to the current Russian-Belarus conflict. The mechanism is used in cases when disputes over natural gas supplies arise.
Thursday – 24th June 2010
According to an analyst from the company Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) the global gas demand will rise by one quarter until the year 2020. DE la Rey Venter from RDS also claims that demand for liquefied gas will double in 2020 in comparison with 2009.
Friday – 25th June 2010
Belarus president Alexander Lukašenko threatened that he will block transit of natural gas and oil through the territory of Ukraine, which leads to the European market. If Russia pays its depths in 24 hours, Belarus will not suspend the flow.
Saturday – 26th June 2010
Despite the ecological catastrophe in the Mexican gulf, deep water oil drilling in the world will not be halted. One of the evidence are also the planned projects of the Norwegian government or the Brazilian oil concern Petrobas. The Norwegian government announced tenders for 94 research blocks, whereas a number of them lie in a big depth where the conditions for oil extraction are complicated. The semi-state owned concern Petrobas plans to reinvest 224 billions of dollars within the next four years in research and extraction in oil fields.
The gas dispute between Russia and Belarus is over. The state concern Gazprom renewed its gas supplies to Belarus after the Belarus government paid its depth to Russia.
Sunday – 27th June 2010
One of the three companies that are interested in finishing the construction of the Czech nuclear power plant Temelín, Westinghouse, estimates that the cost to finish the two reactors will reach 170 billion of Czech crowns. Two other companies Areva and Atomstrojexport refused to publish their offers as the American company did.
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